Friday, February 12, 2016

5 Types Of Chicks To Avoid This Valentine’s Day. Men take notes

5 Types Of Chicks To Avoid This Valentine’s Day. Men take notes

booty galsWe are nearing the Valentines day and many lovers are curiously expecting a lot from each other but for those without anyone to call ‘bae’ are still working around the clock to find someone to treat them on the big lovers day.
I happened to stumble upon some hilarious tips for men on the type of ladies they should avoid for the next 48 hours before Valentines day. Men take notes maybe they could come in handy. You never know.
If you care about your pocket, here are some women to avoid
1. The ‘Miss Hard-To-Get’: You have been ;katiaing’ her since the day Moses climbed Mount Sinai but she has been playing cat ad mouse with you. Then all of a sudden, she has agreed to see you this week. Last night she hollad at you via Whatsapp with ‘’Hey bae, Valz unanipeleka wapi?” My friend, just as a school kid would tell you, run as fast as your feeble legs can carry you.
2. The chic that rejected you kitambo. Then there’s that chic who You jokingly called your sweet heart or maybe hit her up with some dirty texts but she flared up in anger and banished you to her blacklist. She has been disinterested in communicating with you, even going to the extent of using monosyllabic replies for you texts like ‘K’.. This week, she texts you with ” sweetheart umenitupa na kuninyamazia aje”… Suddenly becomes a lively chatter and doesn’t make use of monosyllabic words to reply anymore. This is just one of those signs that she’s grooming you to be her valentine’s savior. Bro……block the bish and go eat fish.
3. The pretender. She friend zoned you a long time ago but now she’s acting like your girlfriend, while plastering you with lovey dovey nouns. She is even using your picture as her profile pic on Whatsapp while commenting on all your Facebook status updates. Mshow ajitoe
4. The chic who’s just looking for a plan. She starts telling you about her problems with her boyfriend and that she needs a break from him. Bro, ask yourself. Why must the coincidence be on Valentine’s week?. Ignore her and talk to her after valentines. Then see if she’ll respond. She probably won’t because she’ll have gotten back with her boyfriend who was with another chic on the big day.
5. The ‘feed me but don’t bang me’ chic: She agrees to spend Valentine’s day with you on condition that she will not come to your house. She says she’ll only meet you at an eatery or cinema. This kind of chic might also tell you that tyou how much she wants to go out with you but then adds that her periods will be starting around Thursday. Dude, do a Kemboi. Valentine’s Day is never complete without the mingling of the ‘P’ and ‘D’

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